Gum disease (also known as periodontal disease), is an extremely common condition and is the number one cause of tooth loss in adults. In the majority of cases it is completely preventable and can be avoided with good oral hygiene and care.
At Stoke Lane Dentistry we strongly recommend regular visits to the practice for hygiene appointments and check-ups. Gum health is now more important than ever in light of the latest research linking it to serious health conditions such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
How we can help you keep your gums healthy
Call 01179 629902 or use our online form and book your dental appointment where you can speak to our friendly dental team about protecting your oral health.
We believe in prevention before cure and advise maintaining good, regular oral care, both at home and by coming to the practice. The early stages of gum disease (known as gingivitis) can quickly develop into more serious conditions if left untreated. Early warning signs can include bleeding gums (when brushing/flossing) and halitosis (bad breath).
Gum disease develops when bacteria is allowed to build up and form plaque at the bottom of teeth along the gum line. This can later harden into tartar, which infects the gums and makes them painful and tender. We are able to prevent and treat most periodontal conditions. In more serious cases, surgery by a specialist periodontist may be required.
Many people experience bleeding gums during their lives, though most tend to ignore it. If you have bleeding or swollen gums then we strongly recommend that you visit your dentist for advice and treatment, as the infection can spread if ignored. When the condition is allowed to fully develop, it can lead to more severe conditions and, eventually, tooth loss.
The main cause of periodontal disease is the bacteria found in plaque, though there can be other contributing reasons for it developing. These can be natural, such as a genetic disposition or fluctuating hormones, or influenced by lifestyle, with smoking, poor nutrition and stress all potential factors. Other health issues can increase risk, including teeth grinding, disease (such as diabetes) and the taking of some medicines.
Latest research indicates that gum disease may be linked to more serious health conditions. Report results vary and questions remain. It is generally accepted that further research is required, though it is clear that gum disease should not be treated lightly. Potential linked conditions include cardiovascular (heart) disease, stroke, premature births, diabetes and respiratory disease.
We aim to ensure our prices are affordable and highly competitive compared to other dentists in Bristol. A check-up appointment for registered patients costs £60.00 and a basic hygiene appointment costs £100.00. Please visit our Fees Page for all our latest prices.