01179 629902

Complaints Policy and Procedures

Code of Practice for patients who wish to raise concerns

At Stoke Lane Dentistry we want to ensure that all our patients are pleased with their experience of our service. We take complaints very seriously indeed. If a patient makes a complaint, we will deal with the matter courteously and promptly so that it is resolved as quickly as possible. Our complaints policy and procedures are based on these objectives.

We display the General Dental Council’s 6 core principles for ensuring that we get the most from patient feedback and complaints for the benefit of all on the notice board in reception.

At Stoke Lane Dentistry we have an effective complaints system in place to ensure that identifying, receiving, recording, handling and responding to any comments, observations, concerns or complaints occurs within a strict timetable that is clearly documented. Our Code of Practice for patients who wish to raise concerns is displayed in Reception and all patients and visitors should feel confident that they will be listened to and responded to without fear of discrimination or recrimination. Our Complaints Policy and Procedures are displayed in Reception.

We aim to ensure that any complainant is treated sensitively and in a manner that respects their human rights and diversity.

We recognize that a complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction with our service, treatment or advice and that a complaint can be made by a variety of methods, including verbally, by sign language or in writing.

In situations where a patient may lack confidence to express their views, or require help to do so, they will be supported by helpful team members. All patients’ complaints are fully documented and investigated and are dealt with fairly.

At Stoke Lane Dentistry we view complaints as an opportunity to improve our service delivery and to learn lessons that will help us make changes with the intention of avoiding a repetition of any similar complaint.

To help us learn lessons from complaints, we track and analyze all our complaints to identify trends that will help us improve our service.

Our complaints procedures are monitored and reviewed regularly and the named contact who is accountable for doing this is Dawn Ward Business Manager.

This Policy was implemented on 19/05/2021

This policy and relevant procedures will be reviewed annually and are due for review on 19/05/2022 or prior to this date in accordance with new guidance or legislative changes or as a result of learnings following a complaint.

Complaints Procedures

Verbal complaints

If a patient complains on the telephone, at the reception desk or anywhere else in the practice, we will listen sympathetically to their complaint and make notes about his/her issues or problems, provided that the patient consents to us doing this.

Having first listened to the patient’s complaint, we will offer to refer him/her to Dawn Ward Business Manager immediately if the patient’s complaint is unable to be resolved at Reception. If Dawn Ward Business Manager is not available at the time, the patient will be advised of when they will be able to speak to her and arrangements will be made for this to happen. If the patient has consented to their concerns or issues being written down, the team member will take brief details of the complaint and pass them on. If we cannot arrange this within a reasonable time period or if the patient does not wish to wait to discuss the matter, arrangements will be made for Lead Receptionist Diane Baker to deal with it.

Our aim in handling verbal complaints is always to try to resolve the issue to the patient’s satisfaction so that it does not escalate and become a written complaint.

Written complaints

If patients are not satisfied with the result of our procedure, then a complaint may be made to:

The Dental Complaints Service for complaints about private treatment:

The General Dental Council

The Care Quality Commission

The Stoke Lane Dentistry Code of Practice for patients who wish to raise concerns

In Stoke Lane Dentistry we place great emphasis on meeting and whenever possible, exceeding our patients’ expectations. We try to ensure that all patients are pleased with their experience of our service and we take any concerns a patient may have very seriously.

If you have a concern regarding any aspect of your care, please let us know. We will do all that we can to resolve your concern to your satisfaction promptly and professionally.

Our aim is to respond to your concerns in a caring and sensitive way.

The person responsible for dealing with any concerns about the service we provide in this practice is Dawn Ward Business Manager.

If you raise an issue, you are concerned or unhappy about on the telephone or at the reception desk, after listening to a description of the problem the person with whom you raise your concern will try to resolve the issue to your satisfaction immediately.

If the person with whom you raise your concern is unable to resolve the issue for any reason, we will contact Dawn Ward Business Manager immediately.

Should Dawn Ward Business Manager be unavailable at the time, we will advise you when they will be available, and arrangements will be made for you to meet or speak with her. If for any reason Dawn Ward Business Manageris going to be unable to meet you or speak with you at a time that is convenient to you, we will arrange for Anthea Hardiman to take responsibility for dealing with your concern or complaint.

The team member with whom you first raised your concern will take brief details from you and pass these to Anthea Hardiman so that they can familiarise themselves with your concern prior to meeting you or speaking with you.

If you choose to write to us to express your concern rather than raising it verbally, your letter or email will be passed on to the relevant person immediately.

We will acknowledge any concerns you raise in writing within three days and we will also include a copy of this Code of Practice with our response. We will investigate your concern and report back within ten working days of it being received. If we are unable to complete our investigations within ten working days for any reason, we will notify you, giving reasons for the delay and the likely period within which the investigation will be completed.

We will confirm the outcome of the investigation and any decisions made in writing.

We will keep proper and comprehensive records of any concerns or complaints received.

We will do all we can to resolve your issue, concern or complaint to your satisfaction. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with the outcome or the procedure, we will advise you of other avenues open to you for raising concerns. These are:

The Dental Complaints Service for complaints about private treatment:

The General Dental Council (GDC) (the clinicians’ professional regulator).

The Care Quality Commission (the regulator for all of health and social care).